List of Formats
1. {0:C} Currency format
2. {0:D} Decimal format
3. {0:E} Exponential format
4. {0:F} Fixed format
5. {0:G} General format
6. {0:N} Number format
7. {0:X} Hexadecimal format
8. {0:C2} Currency with 2 decimal places
9. {0:00.00} Number with 2 decimal places
10. {0:000} Number with 2 decimal places
You can also set the GridView Date Formats such as: {0:MM-dd-yyyy} to display the date with month number, day and year, {0:MMM dd, yyyy} to display the date with first three letters of month name, day and year. MMM dd, yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, MM/dd/yyyy, dd/MM/yyyyy etc as per your requirement.
{0:MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm ss tt} - To display the time format along with date you can use HH for 24Hour, hh for hour, mm for minutes, ss for seconds and tt for AM/PM.